Thursday, May 23, 2013

Subterranean Submission, Product Spotlight: Bora Care

Subterranean Submission
Product Spotlight: Bora Care

            A termite infestation is a bad deal for everyone. No one wants to deal with termites and often times it is very expensive to have a professional company come out and treat the soil around your foundation to eliminate the problem. And when it comes to buying a house, you most certainly will want to find a reputable home inspector that will be able to pick up on any sign on termites invading and destroying the home. But if you are in the market for a new construction home, then you have a great opportunity to do some preventative work to your home and prevent termites from ever being a problem.
            Bora Care is that opportunity. This product contains Borates or Boron which is a naturally occurring element on earth. If you are into being green, then this is one of the greenest products out there. Many of the new “eco-friendly” products are not making a good reputation in the effectiveness category; Bora Care, however, is. To make this product even better, it is not harmful to mammals or birds, just bugs. Designed to be applied directly to the wood, Bora Care is applied to all studs for both interior and exterior walls, once the roof has been put up.

As you can see, once mixed, the finished product is sprayed approximately 24 inches (2feet) up on each and every 2X4. An alternative to a Bora Care pre-treatment is treating the dirt that the house will be built on. In order to do this, the soil needs to be treated before the foundation is poured. While this has been an effective option in the past, you run the risk of many things occurring. First, as equipment comes in to begin building the foundation, disrupting the soil can cause breaks or gaps in the soil where the chemical has been applied, leaving “holes” that termites can later use to enter your home. Another danger is that over time the chemical will begin to break down in the soil and render itself ineffective. With Bora Care, you do not have to worry about that. The Borates us a unique carrier to actually penetrate the wood and become absorbed by it; the only circumstance that will render Bora Care ineffective is if the wood becomes inundated with water that will actually draw the product back out of the wood.
This technique of pre-treating a home has only been around since the early 2000’s but in its short time has proven itself valuable. In addition to the peace of mind that it can provide you, using this product on your home will offer a unique selling point should you decide to part ways with the home later on down the road. But if not, it is hard to put a price on peace of mind. And peace of mind is exactly what you will get if you invest in Bora Care to permanently treat the wood in your home.  

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