Thursday, May 2, 2013

See Ya Suckers

            Well, it is about that time. The cold weather has moved out of most of North America, rains have moved in and life is beginning to grow again. Now that spring is upon us, among many things it means that Mosquitoes will soon be upon us as well. Literally that is as they are sucking blood for a tasty treat. Soon you will see the mosquito trucks driving by in the evening as they fog for these miniature vampires of the night. Unfortunately for you and I these trucks only eliminate a small percentage of the mosquito population, but the peace of mind they provide sure is nice. If you are anything like me, then you probably enjoy spending some time in the evenings after work in your yard on your patio relaxing after a day’s work. And like me, you are probably slapping your arms and legs killing the ones crazy enough to land on you as well as scratching the spots where the successful have already fed. If this is the case, then you may very well be wondering what you can do to subside this enemy. While there are many options you can use to eliminate Mosquitoes, this article will hopefully give you some great tips to prevent them. So sit back, take some notes and give these tips a shot. But do not worry, if you are already being eaten alive, stay tuned to this blog and I promise that my next post will include a number of products you can use to eliminate mosquitoes inhabiting your home.
1.      Clean out clogged rain gutters: This is a prime area for Mosquitoes to breed and multiply. They seek out moisture and cover from the sun. Rain water that gets stopped up by leaves in your gutter offer both. So check your gutters and if need be, clean them out!
2.      Fix leaky outdoor faucets and secure trash cans: Okay, here it is again. Leaky faucets and items such as trash cans cause excess build ups of water. These build ups are awfully inviting to mosquitoes looking for somewhere to propagate.
3.      Remove discarded tires and other items that can collect water: I think I am seeing a trend here. This one goes for flower pots and kiddy pools alike. Standing water in potted plants again offers shade and moisture that mosquitoes will seek refuge in from the heat of the day.
I could go on for days with a laundry list of places to clean up to keep mosquito populations down. The fact of the matter is the less places of moisture and shade you have in your yard the better. Mosquito larvae need water to survive. Bird baths, fountains, and gutters are breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Minimizing the availability of places like these will go a long ways. Unfortunately landscaping around the home is often a contributing factor the mosquito problem you may be facing. So take a look at our websites “how to” guide on Mosquito control. And do not forget to check in very soon for a list of some excellent products you can use to keep from being bled to death by these aggravating summertime pests. 

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