Sunday, May 5, 2013


            If you have been keeping up with this blog, then you have probably read my last post about mosquito prevention; if you have not, you should probably read my last post and come back to this post regarding products and tools you can use to kill this annoying pest once he has made his home in your backyard.
            In the last post, we learned what conditions are conducive to mosquito breeding and hatching. Now that we know these areas, we should try to remove them or, at the very least, treat them if removal is not an option. For areas that hold water and cannot be removed such as birdbaths, fountains, small fish ponds, horse troughs etc., you need a product that can be placed directly in the water without harming animals and fish.  Zoecon has just what the doctor ordered. Altosid Pro-G is a granular-based growth regulator designed to be placed in areas that hold water without fear of being detrimental to animals such as birds, fish or mammals. Mosquito larvae develop into full adults while in still water like the places I described above. When placed in bodies of water, Altosid actually sterilizes and kills the larvae – preventing them from developing into adults. This is a great product, and once applied, will remain effective for up to 21 days. Be sure to read the label instructions for proper usage and application rates.
            Now that we have tackled the water retention areas, it is also important to treat the shady areas.  Great examples of shady areas around your yard would be flower beds, trees and shrubs. Mosquitoes are most active around dawn and dusk, meaning they will most likely take up residence in the shady areas during the heat of the day. Consequently, the heat of the day is when you want to treat! Using a product like Cyzmic CS is a great option.  Using the proper mix rate when spraying shady areas every two weeks will maximize effectiveness. Like most insecticides, Cyzmic CS is non-selective, i.e., it will kill other pests such as bees if they come in contact with Cyzmic. This is important to remember when spraying areas such as flower beds, where bees like to frequent. Try your best to spray the shaded areas, and avoid the flowers and other plants bees help to pollinate.
            Finally, the Cadillac of mosquito control:  Automatic Timed Misting System. This great little setup is ideal for people who spend a lot of time in their yard and do not want to spend that time swatting at mosquitoes. Most systems use a 55-gallon drum filled with water to carry the misting insecticide through the tubes and nozzles placed around the yard. Set and intended to run twice daily (dawn and dusk), misting systems are extremely effective at eliminating the mosquitoes around your home. A misting concentrate such as Vector Ban Plus is a great choice to use. One half-gallon container is all you need for 55 gallons of water.
            Any one of these products is great way to help you get started combating mosquitoes this spring. Mosquitoes are not only a nuisance, but can also be dangerous as they carry many diseases such as lethal West Nile Virus.

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