Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Product Spotlight: Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait

            I cannot recall many experiences in my life where I have seen the expression “you get what you pay for” proved wrong, but when it comes to controlling Fire Ants, Zoecon just may have a product that can allow you to effectively eliminate this painful and troublesome pest at a very low cost. While Fire ants have not yet found a way to make it into the parts of the U.S. that see months of cold winter temperatures, they have been successful when it comes to getting into pocket books of everyone who lives in the warmer climate states. There are several options out there for one to pick from when it comes to treating for this particular species of ant. Some products are designed to kill populations on a colony by colony basis. Granular based insecticides can offer up to one year’s worth of control, but can only be applied by professionals and can end up being quite costly for homeowners. So where does that leave the “do-it-yourself” homeowner that does not want to pay the price for a professional, but wants good lasting results? He/she needs a product that can effectively eliminate the Fire Ant population without eliminating all the cash in his/her wallet. One excellent choice is Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait.
            There are two active ingredients in this bait, Hydramethylnon and Methoprene. The first of the two is the main active which does the killing. Once the bait is gathered, worker ants bring the bait (food source) back to share with the colony. As the ants eat it, they ingest the Hydramethylnon which acts as a stomach poison, killing each ant in a short period of time. The Methoprene is designed to inhibit the reproduction of the queen which prevents colonies from growing and reproducing while the bait spreads its way through all ants in the colony.

            What makes Extinguish Plus such an affordable and effective solution is that one pound is enough to treat an entire acre! Fire Ants are foragers, so products like Extinguish Plus can be placed around mounds or as bait placements spread evenly throughout larger areas. If you decide to place some bait near a mound, be sure not to apply bait directly to the mound or disturb the mound in any fashion. Anything found on the mound by a Fire Ant is considered debris and is removed and not taken into the colony. Control of larger areas can take longer as the ants will have to forage to the bait placements before bringing back to share with the colony. The product label offers valuable information that can help you get the most out of the bait so that you can be satisfied with your results. Extinguish Plus truly is an economical solution for homeowners that are looking for an effective product with long lasting results. This bait can even be used on recreational fields and playgrounds so it is safe for children who typically spend more time outside. 

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