Friday, May 24, 2013

What do you know about Dad?

What do you know about Dad?

          Spiders have been around since the beginning of time and humans have coexisted with them ever since. Due to the nocturnal nature of most spiders, people have little to no contact with them on a daily basis. I personally am not a big fan of our eight legged arthropod friends, but if given a choice between an arachnid and a snake, I would choose the arachnid almost every time unless we are talking about a Hobo or Black Widow spider. Both species are notoriously known for being highly poisonous and potentially deadly to humans. Human contact with either species is more common than you might think. Another species that we come into contact on a more frequent basis is the Pholcidae or more commonly known as the Daddy Long Leg. This is the guy that you will commonly see just hanging out around the house, whether on the back porch or just in the corner of your kitchen surveying the area. Well, not to worry with just a little research, you will be able to see Pholicidae is not around to bother you; rather it is just rummaging around looking for a meal to eat.
            Daddy Long Leg Spiders, also known as Cellar Spiders are unusually shaped. Most spiders have legs relatively proportional to their bodies. But Daddy Long Legs have legs that can grow up to 50 millimeters long for a body that is only 2-10 millimeters. The long legs give it a height advantage for viewing purposes as well a menacing appearance to its prey. Speaking of prey, while like most spiders, the Pholcidae use webs to capture some prey, it also preys on other spider species and will attack those spiders while feeding on prey of its own. Daddy Long Leg Spiders contain a strong toxin that could actually kill a human. So why have no humans died?
            Actually, while their bite could be lethal to humans, it actually lacks fangs large enough to penetrate a human’s skin. Good for us, bad for other spiders and insects that happen to stumble upon this guy. And the Daddy Long Leg can be stumbled upon just about anywhere. As a matter of fact, the only continent you cannot find this guy is Antarctica due to the year round cold temperatures. With a spider that can be found just about anywhere, it makes me wonder if the concept of Pangaea was really reality once upon a time on earth.
            Spiders can be especially difficult to control around the home. Most chemicals that you can be to spray around your house for bugs are contact insecticides. Meaning the insect comes in contact with them which will lead to death. Because spiders have longer legs and bodies are raised slightly off the ground, not as much chemical comes into contact with the spider. Products containing Cypermethrin are great options for spiders. Cypermethrin has been around for many years and has proven results. 

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