Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Product Spotlight: Cyonara 9.7

             Many of the southern states have become over ran by a species of ant commonly referred to as the “Crazy Ant.” While the actual name is the “Tawny Ant,” this particular species gets its name from the erratic movements and overall randomness of the path this ant takes while moving around. Anyone who has this ant can tell you they are relentless and unfortunately, while they can be managed, they probably will not ever disappear. This ant appears just about anywhere, whether inside or outside, the colonies number in the thousands. In particular, they love electrical outlets and junction boxes and have been known to cause quite a bit of damage. If you live in the south and have not had this little guy invade your home, chances are you will probably very soon.
            Adequate control of this ant has proven difficult to achieve. Here at Solutions Stores, we have found only one good solution so far. There really is not a better name for the product. Made by Control Solutions, Cyonara 9.7 is up for almost any task, in particular Crazy (Tawny) ants. This is one of those products where as they say, “a little goes a long ways.” Containing Lambda Cyhalothrin, Cyonara 9.7 packs a huge punch. According to the label, it can be used at a rate of anywhere from .2-.8 oz. per gallon of water. You should always read label instructions to determine where you can apply the product and how much chemical should be mixed before you begin spraying. Lambda Cyhalothrin is a very powerful active ingredient so in addition to your normal protective equipment (gloves, mask, eye protection), it is also recommended to wear pants and a long sleeved shirt as this active ingredient can cause skin irritation.
            Check the label out on this product as it can do a number on a multitude of other pests as well. Cyonara 9.7 is a water based insecticide with an odor similar to cherries, so while it can be used indoors, this may be a product you will only want to use outside. Part of the reason customers have been so pleased with this insecticide is due to its extremely rapid knockdown. In particular, the Crazy ants will die so quickly that the bodies will start massing and if not swept up, will simply allow other live ants to walk right over the dead ants and never come in contact with the chemical.

            So if you are in need of a product to take care of the increasingly popular “Crazy” ant, this would be a great choice for you to check out. As a matter of fact, if you are looking to purchase an all around product to use outside whether on the foundation and sides of your home or as a broadcast on the lawn, Cyonara 9.7 is a product you need. When you go to check out, be sure to add a chemical safety kit to help you stay safe!

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