Saturday, April 20, 2013

Victor Moleworms

This is the face of a man whose life is stricken with exhaustion due to the destruction that animals such as gophers or moles can due to one’s lawn. Yes, the man in the picture is Bill Murray as Carl Spackler in the 1980 film Caddyshack. Carl Spackler is the greenskeeper for the prestigious Bushwood Country Club and throughout the movie battles a menacing nemesis, a gopher. While his approach to destroying this gopher is unique and in the end is not effective, you may want to take a look just in case.
            One of my all-time favorite movies, Caddyshack is an American classic that no person should go without seeing. However if you have seen the movie, than you know that Carl’s methods in the end were futile as the closing scene depicts the gopher dancing in success as he safely dodges a series of explosions throughout the golf course designed to end his life. So please, do not use Spackler’s methods when it comes to eliminating gophers or moles for that matter in your yard.
            Since most of us do not have access to plastic explosives and most do not have an I.Q. as low as Mr. Spackler, Victor has introduced a new product recently designed specifically for moles in yards of people that do not own plastic explosives. Victor is an entity of Woodstream Corporation. Most everyone has seen and probably even used a Victor product. Around since 1890, Victor was the first to invent the spring loaded mouse trap, a design which is still widely used and accepted everywhere. The mole, a common pest for many homeowners destroys yards by excavating a series of underground tunnels, de rooting plants, killing grass and just making a mess of the appearance in general. People have tried all sorts of items from repellants to traps to even (yes, this is true, look on youtube) explosives placed directly in the tunnels.
            While success with these methods has varied over the years, after much research Victor has a designed a “poison worm,” that has proven itself appetizing and effective to these tunnelers. Using the active ingredient Bromethalin, Victor has designed a gelatin-like worm that is extremely palatable to moles. Designed to be placed directly into the active tunnels in your yard, the Victor Moleworms kit comes with 25 worms, 10 active tunnel locator flags and 3 disposable gloves. The main idea of this product is to place the bait, a food source for the mole, in an easy to access location for the mole. This is best achieved by simply placing it in one of the active tunnels it is using to feed on worms in your yard. Mole activity is directly related to moisture. The more it rains and your yard becomes saturated, the more mole activity you will see. Rain forces worms and other creatures to the surface and so in turn, the mole will follow its food source. This product is available on our website with fast, free shipping. If you have any questions you can always contact us and any one of our friendly staff will be more than happy to help you. 

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